Transactions for Sending and Receiving BNB and ETH Tokens From BSC(Part4)
First example: The wallet receives 0.5 BNB:
Step 1: For practical purposes we will call the wallet address AddressDest: 0x6c454662CabE25Fc2E94d5C1855F7c97B1af0D5a with a balance of 0.5 BNB.
Step 2: Post addressDest via WhatsApp, email.
Step 3: The address sending funds we will call AddressSender is 0x30D752489CF27652fcc2553AAaaB2D5DD9359C80 with a balance before the transaction of 1.329 BNB and will send 0.3, this data is obtained from the BSC testnet blockchain scanner: BSC Testnet
Step 4: After the transaction, the AddressDest balance is now 0.8 BNB and the AddressSender balance is 1.029 BNB.
Second example: The wallet receives 0.09 ETH token:
Step 1: We have the AddressDest:
0x6c454662CabE25Fc2E94d5C1855F7c97B1af0D5a from the wallet with a balance of 0 ETH
Step 2: From the AddressSender
0x30D752489CF27652fcc2553AAaaB2D5DD9359C80 we can see the balance in the scanner: BSC Testnet
We click on the box that says Token.
We have all the BEP20 tokens from the address.
The balance in ETH is: 0.1322
Step 3: After the transaction, the wallet balance (AddressDest) is 0.09 ETH, and the balance of the sender address (AddressSender) drops to 0.0422 ETH.
Third example: The wallet sends 0.05 ETH token:
Step 1: We receive by mail or WhatsApp the address to which we will send 0.05 ETH, AddressDest:
0x30D752489CF27652fcc2553AAaaB2D5DD9359C80 we can check the balances in the scanner: BSC Testnet
Which has 0.0422 ETH.
Step 2: The address of the wallet that will send 0.05 ETH is the AddressSender: 0x6c454662CabE25Fc2E94d5C1855F7c97B1af0D5a which currently has a balance of 0.09 ETH (plus 0.89 BNB and 0 BUSD).
Step 3: Click on send, in the second image write the AddressDest and in active we select the currency ETH.
Step 4: In the first image in amount, type 0.05 ETH and click next.
In the second image, the wallet tells us the amount to send 0.05 ETH and a transaction cost of 0.000598 BNB (called gas) and if we agree, we click confirm.
In the third image, the Metamask wallet receives a message confirming the transaction.
Step 5: The new balance in the wallet is 0.04 ETH.
Fourth example: The wallet sends 0.6 BNB.
Step 1: The addressDest:
0x30D752489CF27652fcc2553AAaaB2D5DD9359C80 currently has a balance of 0.9384 BNB whose funds we can see at: BSC Testnet
Step 2: 0x6c454662CabE25Fc2E94d5C1855F7c97B1af0D5a is the Address Sender which is the address of the wallet, which has a balance of 0.8896 BNB, we click submit. In the following image:
We copy the AddressDest.
We actively select BNB.
Then the amount 0.6 BNB and then Next.
Step 3: First image, the wallet tells us that there is a transaction cost of 0.000252 BNB (called gas) and if we agree, we click confirm. In the second screen:
BNB amount drops to 0.2893.
We receive the message from Metamask confirming the transaction.
Step 4: The final state of the two addresses after the transactions is as follows. The wallet has in 0x1d51cbDa45ED5ED95C4e2131Db51451DE186A97E
0.2893 BNB.
0.04 ETH token.
0 BUSD (no transactions with this token).
The other address to which we send and receive funds:
0.9384 BNB
0.0922 ETH token.
15.75 BUSD (no transactions with this token).