How to Withdraw Liquidity from a Dex Pool(Part7)
Step 1: 0x30D752489CF27652fcc2553AAaaB2D5DD9359C80 account that has the LP tokens, visible in:
The BSC testnet explorer.
And in the Metamask wallet
In both the balance of the LP is:
10.4925 Cake LP tokens from the BUSD/BNB liquidity pool.
0.07738 Cake LP tokens from the ETH/BNB liquidity pool.
Step 2: In the PancakeSwap DEX and having the wallet connected:
BUSD/BNB and ETH/BNB liquidity pairs appear.
We click on the ETH/BNB pair, in the second image we have the data of this pair, and we have the option to add or remove liquidity.
Step 3: Clicking on remove will:
Indicates what % to remove, in the example we withdraw 70%, this is equivalent to withdrawing 0.03179 ETH and 0.1045 BNB.
When you click on Approve, the DEX Pancake signature request appears, where the owner (the owner’s account) are and the spender (the DEX LP account) are.
Click to sign.
Step 4: From this withdrawal we get:
0.0318 ETH and 0.1045 BNB, for our account.
It eliminates burning 0.05416 LP tokens.
The second image indicates a gas rate of 0.003434 BNB, then click confirm.
Step 5: To finalize the new balances of:
0.02321 Cake-LP.
0.25018 ETH and 1.2306 BNB.