Second Liquidity Pool Pair With Our Own Token(Part9)
When we add liquidity to the first LP between any cryptocurrency and our own token (EUROedu), we set the value of the token:
Step 1: We have the value set on the first LP:
MM wallet must have both tokens.
We have the pair with initial values of 0.5 BNB and 10,000 EUROedu, so 1 BNB is worth 20,000 EUROedu.
If we put the pair BNB and BUSD, we find that 1 BNB is worth 477.56 BUSD.
Therefore, 20,000 EUROedu equals 477.56 BUSD.
Concluding 1 BUSD = 41.8795 EUROedu.
Step 2: The second LP pair to form is BUSD/EUROedu:
The wallet account must have sufficient funds of both currencies 60 BUSD and 9,987,569 EUROedu
Click on the DEX PancakeSwap to Add Liquidity.
Step 3: In the DEX:
We place the amount of 50 BUSD.
Click on select currency.
Select EUROedu, if it does not appear in the list, add the Address Contract.
Step 4: Note the message that you are the first to contribute or create this LP:
You must correctly calculate the BUSD/EUROedu ratio.
If we have an unbalanced ratio, it will encourage arbitrage between EUROedu and other cryptocurrencies.
Step 5:
In the MM wallet confirm the permission request, which has a cost of 0.20 USD.
In the DEX click on supply.
Step 6:
Read the data of the LP pair and click Create.
The gas rate appears in the wallet, if you agree, click confirm.
Step 7:
In the DEX PancakeSwap we have the two LPs.
In the BSC testnets explorer we place the Address of the wallet that created the LP. Then we select the token of the LP and copy the Address of the contract.
Step 8: Finally.
We add LP tokens to the MM wallet.
In our wallet we have the LP tokens of both pairs.